Easy as Pie! Sharing BA's Blueberry Pecan Galette
Blueberries are gorgeous, delicious, low in calories, high in nutrients and antioxidants. Their nutrition and benefits are best maintained when consumed raw. But, let’s face it, we all love a good blueberry pie. More than pie, I love a galette. A galette is a free form, rustic pie. No pie dish is needed, nothing fussy - just a sheet pan and a rolling pin are all you need. So instead of buying a grocery store refrigerated pie crust loaded with toxic preservatives and additives, try this Bon Appetit recipe for Blueberry-Pecan Galette, with a super simple crust that does not rely on precision. The blueberry filling is placed in the center and the edge of the crust is folded over. You can do this! I have always loved the combination of blueberries and pecans. But more than just the flavor combination, the pecans add health benefit and protein. In the summer, a pie like this is often breakfast in my life. I love summer fruit pies. So give this easy galette a try, even if you’ve never made a pie crust in your life. And if you are an avid crust maker, this delicious crust will be a breeze. Beyond pie however, my favorite ways to enjoy raw blueberries are: in a green salad (think Dan’s Gourmet Salad Blend at Rabbits Run at the Doylestown Farmers Market) with pecans, pistachios or candied walnuts, in a bowl with another seasonal fruit sprinkled with granola and topped with almond milk for breakfast, in a smoothie with a frozen banana and coconut water.
Here's the link to the recipe. Enjoy!
