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  • Writer's pictureChef Kelly Unger

Melons, healthier than you realize and flexible too!

It is melon season!!! Rejoice! These gorgeous, colorful beauties are so hydrating and contain lots of healthy compounds and vitamins. So if you are someone who forgets to drink enough water, eat melons! Melons are in the Cucurbita botanical family with cucumbers and pumpkins and other squashes.

Watermelon is loaded with lycopene just like tomatoes, and watermelon supports two of our body’s defense systems - angiogenesis (production of blood vessels) and our DNA health, making sure our body copies our genes correctly (it does that several times a day, every day). Watermelon is also antiangiogenic - so it can help starve tumors by NOT producing blood vessels in the correct places. Because melons have a special component in them that knows the difference. Aren’t they just magnificent!!! 

And don’t forget to freeze some watermelon chunks for wine slushies. I don’t have an exact recipe for this, but if you freeze some white wine or rose in an ice cube tray and freeze some watermelon in chunks in a freezer bag, all you need is a little sugar to taste, an optional (but recommended) shot of watermelon vodka and/or Creme de Cassis, toss that all into a blender for a delicious wine slushie at home. If you have not had a wine slushie yet, trust me on this, try it! And best to make your own. 

Cantaloupes and all types of melons are included in these nutritional benefits. Here is a great article on the full Healing Powers of Melons from Anthony William. And I’m sharing a fun recipe for Watermelon Gazpacho Recipe from Bon Appetit! Enjoy! 

Farmers Market go-alongs: cucumbers, onions, scallions, mint, tomatillos, tomatoes, peppers

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